For information purposes, in this section you can find the answers to the questions that we are often faced with in the daily life.
Translation is the act of converting the meaning of an expression/text from a source language to a target language. Depending on the content of the source text, translation may be classified as legal, technical, financial, business, marketing, medical, literary, academic or official documents. All of them require different sets of skills and fields of expertise.
Although the terms translation and interpretation are often used interchangeably, translation refers to the written information and interpretation to the spoken information. Both terms require specific skills such as deep cultural and linguistic understanding, expert knowledge of the subject matter, and ability to communicate clearly.
A certified translation means that the LSP or translator has provided a signed statement that the translation is a true and accurate translation of the original.
When a translator proves his/her proficiency in a foreign language, swearing an oath to the accuracy of his/her translations and signing an affidavit before a Notary Public, such translations will be notarized after the signature and the official seal of the Notary Public. Here the notary does not assess the quality of the work, but verifies the translator’s identity.
Both types of translations are usually required for legal documents such as business contracts, court transcripts, immigration documents, adoption agreements, and birth, death, or marriage certificates.
Apostille is a document approval system to prove the authenticity of a document by the local administrative authorities so that it can officially be used in another country. Apostille rules were set out by Hague Convention as of October 6, 1961 and applies only to the member states or parties to the Hague Conference.
No, translating a book needs special expertise. Some of our freelance translators also translate books, but we focus on our core competence areas like commercial and legal translations.
We translate mainly the documents submitted by our corporate clients, including press releases, web pages, product catalogues and brochures, fact sheets, manuals, training materials, company presentations and contracts.
We also offer interpretation services to our clients like simultaneous, consecutive and whisper interpretation.
Furthermore, we translate the documents asked by individuals for submission to official authorities like Civil and Land Registry Offices, Notary Publics and Local Courts.
No, guiding or counseling aims to direct clients in the requested field of interests. On the other side, translation aims to transfer written or oral expressions from a source language to a target language accurately and completely without changing the meaning. Therefore, translators/interpreters reflect an information given in one language to another language in the most objective manner rather than providing information based on their personal comments and experiences.
In principle, we work with professional translators. Because we think that translating the words of someone into another language require different skills than expressing yourself in your mother language or fluently in a foreign language. This needs special expertise and experience. According to our experience, editing translations that are not backed with proper training and in-depth knowledge takes more time and effort than translating from the beginning. Therefore, we prefer working with competent professional translators with a proven record of experience.
In each language pair, we set a unit translation price for every 1000 characters with spaces. Based on the number of characters and the context of the original text to be translated, we make an offer to our clients, including the price and the estimated delivery time. We start working on a text/project only after receiving a written confirmation.
For interpretations, we can offer daily or hourly rates according to the time needed for the job and transportation to the place of interpretation. If necessary, we can also provide an offer for renting audio equipment.
We use various tools for translation, such as online dictionary, search engines, style guides and translation programs. Translation programs are developed for Computer Aided Translation (CAT) and generates termbase and translation memories while translating or from previous translations for the same subject/client. So we can achieve high quality standards and sustainability. Furthermore, thanks to our training documents based on our experience and client feedback, we can enhance the performance of our translation team.
Computer-Aided Translation (CAT) is a translation supported by translation programs. These programs do not translate any text like google translation, but support the translator through different tools, such as termbase and translation memories (TM). Both can be generated during the translation process and serve as a base for future translations. Professional translators can also use, update or extend previously generated TM’s so that integrity and sustainability in terms of terminology, content and wording can be ensured in a project where several translators are involved. This also helps improving the quality, efficiency and speed of translations on the same subject. SDL Trados, memoQ, Deja Vu, across, Memsource, Smartcat, XTM Cloud, matecat are some examples to the CAT programs widely used in the market.
A good translation should be entire, accurate, coherent, consistent, authentic, goal-oriented, and compatible with client’s preferences and jargon. We aim to translate the representations in the source language to the target language in the most natural and meaningful way for the target audience. As the structure and wording of each language may differ, a word for word translation to another language, disregarding context, may impair the meaning and lead to incoherent expressions in the target language. Therefore, a good translation should be free of literal wording and simple errors such as spelling and grammar mistakes, incomplete and wrong translation.
Confidentiality principle refers to our responsibility and commitment for accepting any oral, written or online information or document forwarded for translation purposes to our company as Confidential Information and not disclosing these to the third parties without the prior consent of the owner of such information. Whether a Confidentiality Agreement exists or not, we consider any inventions, financial information or technical specifications received from clients trade secrets, and keep them in confidence. We refrain from disclosing these to the third parties, publicizing, amending or taking any action that may lead to the same results.